Monday, May 23, 2016

Woman and Man

Images by: Khahliso Matela
Sculptures at JAG

On Sculptures
The stillness in bone, metal or wood seems to arrest a mind more intimately when seen transformed into sculptures that resemble immortal humanity. And when recalling some philosopher impugning that ‘beauty arrests’ the mind or the perceptive faculty in man, I feel the urge to touch the frozen monuments as though caressing past moments vaulted in a projection I alone can decipher. Stillness seems cold and sterile, but within these is entombed the warmest hours of toil in the chiseling beauty. The artist’s fingers and eyes seem to be blotting sacraments on an inanimate object, and what ultimate alchemy, breathing life into a stone. And what metaphor is this about the birth of the sexes, in these stases that are the divine eye’s pleasure? Do the complementary man and woman figures in the human incarnation resemble a semblance of some divine dichotomy that requires re-assembling? Do these become the sole aspirations of souls, me and her together in a silence of acquiescence?