Friday, August 12, 2016

Part 2 - Art And Reparations

Recalling the destruction of monumental cultural artifacts by various terrorist groups around the world makes one wonder why such wanton disregard of posterity. And not negating the impact of colonial explorations of ‘the uncivilized world’ which saw the theft of millions of such artifacts, what global wealth is entrenched in the blood of massacred ancestors? Indigenous rights groups around the world have confronted constant stumbling blocks when it comes to the reclamation of artifacts, human remains and other items of cultural value which adorn prestigious museums and academic institutions of the world.
And with the question of the constant lack of positive results from those in possession of sacred items burning in my mind, I have had moments to dabble with some possible empirical reasons, inadequate as they are, but which led to a plethora of theories.
I had to first acknowledge that reparations and therefore monetary compensations are the initial phase of the settlement of a long debt with the oppressed of the world. Monetary compensations are appropriate forms that should come in from their FINANCIAL DISTRICT CURRENCY COFFERS, largely because money can compensate for most greed driven escapades inclined towards degradation of planetary life, ecosystems, and exploitation and debasement of human dignity. I argue that while the wealthy few continue to contrive social fiscal organizations towards an oligarchic mono-culture, the selfsame monetary means must be reclaimed to replenish the wounds caused by money, with all social degradation caused by capitalism and other materialistic agencies.
I would go even further and propose that the repatriation of artifacts stolen from various cultures around the world are the unspoken backbone of many dominant currencies, therefore should be targeted as first acquisitions for the crucial reclamation of reparations for our collective worth as the third world. Returning of stuffed bodies, body parts and skeletons of maimed indigenous peoples gathered during ‘anthropological researches’ should be returned to their rightful countries of origin for the spiritual peace of their next of kin. What is often described as the golden age of natural history collecting saw millions of dead remains scattered across European and American museums. These corpses are highly contested cultural items for scientists and natural historians, we are told, but these desecrated bones and dismembered body parts bottled in various institutions carry souls of people which deserve reburial.
It therefore becomes of paramount import that a global heritage restoration forum be part of the new institutions formed, to access and evaluate any claims and denials of wrongful desecration of indigenous knowledge.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Towards A Communalist Manifesto

Part 1
“No new global order would really be new without apologies and reparations for ancient wrongs.” Chinweizu
With wars raging all around the world, poverty and disease decimating large populations while pollution and the depletion of mineral resources have reached a tipping point, one is left to wonder if change is fundamentally possible in a world far-gone into its extinction. Our planet still stands atrociously brutalized by ethnocentric convictions that don’t respect the sanctity of human life. White and Indochinese supremacist tendencies are becoming exceedingly tenacious in the face failing global financial institutions, and our world is being continually partitioned according to overt or covert strategies for the usurpation of the earth’s remaining mineral reservoirs for material wealth.
The perpetually exclusionist policies of Western Capitalism and the so-called ‘Capitalism of the East’ are proving to be insidious to any fabric of contemporary social order, and only a global front that will hold the scepter of capitalist tyranny to account can save humanity from a peril unseen before in history. In a world where power is increasingly NOT innocent, new strategies are required for revolutionary transformation that is in accord with social needs and concerns. Bankrupting the both these modes of exploitation is the first step, which entails a concerted struggle for reparation by all indigenous nations once colonized by various supremacists disguised as saints and messiahs.
Taking for instance the so-called British Empire, European Union and their American consorts among others, who have a sacred responsibility to right past injustices perpetrated against millions of people deemed inferior and uncivilized, these misers should be forced to return all wealth plundered from third world countries under the guise of crusades of democratizing uncivilized societies. And the act of bankrupting these canonized charlatans of capitalism has to be a global project characterized by an unwavering sacrifice spelled by the nozzle of the gun, and only aimed at subsiding expert scientific revolutions that will reinvent next generation-cities, agricultural revolutions to feed the impoverished and clean energy proliferations that will root out fossil energy out of the equation of planetary development.
Methods of harnessing suppressed innovations for the betterment of all mankind should take into consideration the atrociously violent nature of imperialism, and be able to circumvent the resurgence of convoluted strategies by neo-colonialists now posing as humanitarians. Neo-colonial financial structures that continue to govern emerging economies around the world should be dismantled and stripped of all resources usurped through corrupt networks and colonial affiliations. All socio-economic weapons employed to destabilize any communal rights for many of the world’s poor such as WTO, World Bank ‘DEBTS’ and others, should be explicitly eradicated and vigorously inclusive dialogue with oligarchs of the monetary super-structures of the west should continue relentlessly.
The world needs new and viable political and economic entities that have discarded the unilateralism of global financial policies, and are blatantly non-consummate of corrupt and reactionary ineptitude of the ruling cliques of the world. But only when virulent strands of capitalism are diagnosed and cured, and all resources redirected towards enlightened planetary exploration for new resources, only then can the rejuvenation of social justice be achieved. Furthermore, the glorification of conspicuous consumerism should be wholly abandoned and curbed by a moral shift towards altruistic interventions for social cohesion, thus allowing for communal strengthening and self-reliance without harbingers of religiosity. Gold reserves of the world’s super-powers should be distributed among countries from which they were looted, and pharmaceutical companies should relinquish their quest for a diseased populace viewed solely as profit.