Labourers Of Death And Birth
Animals and humans share this deep connection incomparable to any other relationship one might have. They have this uncanny knack of sensing your vibe whether you are excited, sad, depressed, or angry; they can read your thoughts and mind. And this form of telepathy is the universal language and the way that all animals speak to each other, as well as with humans who can listen.
Animals and humans share this deep connection incomparable to any other relationship one might have. They have this uncanny knack of sensing your vibe whether you are excited, sad, depressed, or angry; they can read your thoughts and mind. And this form of telepathy is the universal language and the way that all animals speak to each other, as well as with humans who can listen.
video poem is an experiment at understanding the juxtaposition between death
and birth, events that can occur simultaneously, while also exploring man’s own
relationship with the animals which he helps bring to the world and would later
have to kill.
Filmed and Edited By: Khahliso Matela