Monday, July 30, 2012

Voyage of the Called

He leaves the city – a hand brushing the wind,
At night, glistening windows staring silently
A machine left behind in a metal box.

Views of departure through a square window
The road clogged by delayed traffic;
The mirror stealing a passing glance – tarmac creeping;
Coloured stripes saying: “Any direction can be.”

Tangled freeways of man’s architecture;
Weave their order with a rising sun.
Reflections and eyes of a wonderer -
A traveller, driven towards where other are leaving.

Open stretches of road, a surreal landscape dancing in immensity
We watch for eternity, until a sojourn to stretch beckoned
At a near rusted town of no dreams -
Tractors saying: “this is where we are when you pass to your toes command.”
Slumber hustle of old town life, train tracks and dead pot holes;
The pulchritude of decay explored through serene eyes of reason.
Dead mines and yawning shafts, storage towers and maize fields;
Dust tracks for farmers and stringy fences swinging to dawn’s hymn.

He greets an elder here, picks a flower bud through a photograph;
Reminisces over sights of derelict souls -
Through a sea of dried grass, a veld showered by early rays
Sure feet pacing; the nimble walk confronting the opening eyes of God.

Unflinching, steadfastly aiming for a ruin in the horizon, he meanders about
Corpse-houses and tomb-walls, where quarrels were once roomed.
Frozen images of abandoned sheds and family shelters, squat over every plain –
The memory of what is left behind always making way for the coming.
Oh, the mist-clad forests shrouding our destined drive,
Mountain tops we glide upon –
This road is discovering itself through us.

Another coliseum of man’s bravado looms
City skyline brooding from below, lapping the shore’s plenty;
Here the journey ends into a dream.

Upon boulders and walkways towards the open sea,
A beach-comber scavenging for metal among sand grains glistening,
Sea swelling a dance as rays dance on water`.

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