Friday, October 3, 2014

Ten Rules For Living Young.

·        You can never convince another person that ‘you didn’t or did’, only the guy who runs the movie of their life flashing in front of their eyes before death will vouch for you.
·        Know people you can lose yourself with in mirth, not everyone is easily amused. Remember that every person has their ‘own’ sense of humor and it is literally ‘their own’.
·        If people have assumed you to be a certain type of person, you will never change that perspective, period. Most people are wired to never conceive what is ‘to become’.
·        Rebel against routine; it is what proves that people consider monotony with fresh eyes every day and believe it is new.
·        Best believe that ‘first impressions don’t last’, because impressions are transient in their very nature. You will seem even worse the second time around anyway.
·        One should avoid a challis (a zol) that burns on the side of the road, many mouths have spat their secret souls there on.
·        There are people you should never ever show your drunk self. They will judge you for life.
·        Don’t answer a question you were never asked, lazy minds rely on assuming that everything is voluntarily revealed to them.
·        Never assume that you are ‘understood’, because understanding others is also an assumption.
·        Therapy is non-therapeutic. Never let doctors invent diseases only they can medicate on your behalf.

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