Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Afrika Prays

Afrika prays for draught aversion, and storms batter fields of monopoly food security with mudslides.

Afrika prays for rogue presidents to retire, yet warlords are born among vengeful nations pillaged by greed.

Afrika prays for food aid and Rihanna concerts, Afrika prays for big cars and over-priced duplexes in Dubai.

Afrika prays for sold water and abundant fish in the sea, and sewage remains buried under seaweed and corals bleeding oil.

Afrika prays for desexualised children in schools when television is principal in favoured tutorials on glamour.

Afrika prays for famine’s end while her resources cause infanticides, Afrika never prays that Trump doesn’t start WWIII via twitter at 2 am GMT.

Afrika prays for consensual servitude and machines are bred to scrape all crumbs of earth’s failing bread.

Afrika prays for soccer matches and plates of beans sprinkled with stale spice, Afrika prays for lottery and world peace.

Afrika prays for their dead left in cesspool mortuaries infested with rats and organ traffickers, Afrika prays against witchcraft by its progenies.

Afrika prays for a voice of unison, but her 1000 dailies and nuzzled airwaves preach depravity and organised truisms.

Afrika prays for drug-dealers holding adolescents at ransom, when apothecaries are stocked with toxins and counterfeit remedies.

Afrika prays with turncoat evangelists bidding space agencies to courier laments for slain miners and lepers, yet Afrika never prays for NO Man.


Afrika prays for No man to proselytise brand cartels of social engineering; not for war criminals to surrender their vigilante messiahs.

Afrika prays for No man to unhook whales wailing towards unregistered stars or caverns in the earth, bad-naming a civilization of the damned threatening congregations with nuclear explosions.

Afrika prays for No man to unlie about norms and bibles breast-fed to benign sinners numbed by hunger.

Afrika prays for No man, no janitors of their prisons and wards pilled with haunting instruments of death; not for other galaxies where their gods don’t reign.

Afrika prays for NOT BAAS to die a paranormal death while holidaying in Knysna’s forests doused with flammable pesticides; and prays for No child deformed by helicopters they chased like curious gnomes.

Afrika prays for No man sterilized by Frankenstein diets and NOT for women comatose from blows and wounds masked with animal fat cosmetics.

Afrika prays for NO WOMAN period, the many veiled and prostituted by matrons of a pornographic propaganda patronised by emasculated state officials.

Afrika prays for No man drowning in leaky boats crossing seas towards sinking paradises, abandoning disillusioned pubescent dreamers dancing silky moves on silvery poles.

Afrika prays for No man sodomizing child soldiers behind altars and sacred texts, nor father circumcising reluctant novices inebriated by demands of machismo.

Afrika prays for No Pope, head-butting paedophiles crowding libraries of trafficked art, and Afrika prays to never pray again in the face of unanswerable pleas hurled towards deaf ozones.

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