Friday, April 24, 2020

Flame And Flare - A Video Poem

Flame And Flare

An acceptance of fallibility of sensory experiences of reality compelled the artist to ponder elemental micro-worlds that are seldom unobservable around us, hidden among webs and dust-mites, in rays leaking through corrugated steel..
Without employing microphotography techniques and merely utilizing the equipment at hand, the video poem is a portal into a view that boredom spawns in curios minds.
Flame And Flare is that exploration of dust specks dancing on a beam of light, in a micro-reality that is constantly shifting into unrepeatable organic hybrid shapes and visuals; plumes of smoke conjuring nebulous streams of time less chronicled.
Although cloaked in an un-silent silence that accentuates the minute trills of birds from inside a wind-stricken shack, the video poem becomes a meditation.
And as isolation makes room for introspection, our minds find time to observe beauty in the mundane, composing imageries that augur an inner freedom, detached from old notions of objective constructs of beauty in objects.
This piece therefore investigates methods of compositionality in relation to representation of these micro-realities of a yearned realization of the unrealized, captured and presented on a digital plane.

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