Wednesday, May 25, 2022


If what fills my sight is sustained by a “persistence of vision”, then it follows that all expression be an archeology of vision, and those sights that unfold in clear view of the phenomenon of existence.

This excavation of layers from a single explored dimension, looting the visions of their secret rays that fall beyond sight, is but a solemn task weighing upon my art, evolving with the constant grasp of fleeting moments “past”, scaled in the “now” and waiting “to become”.

With each layer revealed, a shadow on a surface appears behind a shadow, and an artist like a child observing shapes on a surface for a time, all seems a mystery bound to every new step taken into an unknown.

These shadows, like unattended presences, are remnants of frozen moments that comprise a unison observed, and thus these video poems are but a mirage of an attended spectacle of dance in its many unseen layers.

And as only few objects in this material world carry light in its entirety, a variety of frequencies determine their parameters of visibility and invisibility, therefore, these video poems concern themselves with invisibilities of that “which is”.

Syllables of light, spectral and drawing beyond the limits of a rainbow, these video poems attempt to expose threads between each speck, each form as it reflects on rays that bend to its will.


These are featureless silhouettes of an event that is transient yet visible, and its aura spread across a plane shared by livid souls in euphoria of communal engagement.

Each layer is an affirmation of multiplicities of reality, this reality, and a moment sliced from a dizzying time recalling itself, again and again, again into a whirl and nauseated dance of euphoric madness.

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