Monday, September 2, 2024

The Colonial Gaze - A Video Poem

The Colonial Gaze

In order for our collective colonial traumas to find closure in this hauntingly landless present, can the annals of history reveal hidden truths, and all treasures of innocences lost in unjust psychological wars?

This video poem is an attempt to rehistoricizes and repoliticizes the idea psychological trauma experienced under colonialism and other forms of oppression. 

It questions all shackle of the collective psyche, rooted in the belittling gaze of the oppressor and the internalised untruths to which many have have surrendered.

The First Chapter 

How does hearing multiple voices translate to the contemporary black mind which has been obscured by white analysts? Does the voice of the one assailed by voices transcend the collective schizophrenia of heeding many echoes that want to subvert our inner selves?

The Second Chapter

Civility and barbarity, when juxtaposed against the colonial onslaught that saw white settlers mission to civilise the native, beckons us to question to what extremes of animality does the western mind yearn to see in the African mind succumb?

The Third Chapter

How did western standards of beauty infiltrate the self-respect identified in garments of black femininity? What did the new woman become after giving into the thirst of western voyeuristic masculinity that intoxicated and demonised black masculinity?