Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Through The Hour Darkly

 Images By: Paul Zisiwe


Tallish and languid of walk, with a charm that disarms, tinged with a seemingly detached demeanor, Lovelo is graceful in her stride, composing her robust gait with innocence.

A full smile when harmed is raided by even teeth lined like pearls behind lips on a face bearing strong slim yet rounded features serenely sculptured at birth.

Concealing pride perhaps, she speaks less, and her silence can be an exquisite torture.

While at times affable, generous and lively with her touch, during those rare occasions, her self-assured persona melts to give way to a stylish joviality.

Her waist fleshing firmly in a sway of lightly pronounced hips, on her light feet she waltzes with an inner calm, her eyes are always sparkling and offsetting all mysterious dispositions brooding in her frank mind.

Thickset eyes that often seem wounded, at times a cheerless smile intrudes her face, her breath a soft wind over hills of her breasts.

A mane rests on her skull, drooping threads of black-coiled hair streaming in a flood towards her silent navel.
She at joy soars above any black abyss of disappointed dreams like a flower dancing in the wind’s brace, her humming filling rooms with milky light.

Ambushed in a dream her lover withers among frozen ponds of her absence, and only her arrival will shoulder his ashen face that wept through false sunsets and sunrises.

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