Monday, October 7, 2013

I know nothing about love - Lineo Segoete

I know nothing about love, except what I feel
I know nothing about people, except what I see
I know nothing about love, except that it heals
I know nothing about people, except that they can be both loving and mean.

I painted a picture of all the ways I love
Watered the paintbrush in my tears, this way I bore my soul
Dipped the brush in colours of my vulnerability and capabilities equally
Transformed my energy into the frame I would keep this picture in
Then I called the piece; my heart

I think nothing of my mind, it tends to stray
I think nothing of what I see, half the time it’s all an illusion
I think nothing of the mind, so I feed it, that it may not decay
I think nothing of reality as long as it does not cloud my vision

This painting I created is dear and treasured
It is compelling; aided by sleepless nights and daydreams
I am paranoid about this painting, especially about who touches and sees it
Within it, is engraved a key, a key that tames ogres and strengthens idiots
To protect it and those around me, I keep it safely locked away

Locked in a place that has been a mystery as long as time has existed; the mind.